Searey Elite-Light Sport Airplane
The new Factory Built, FAA Certified Searey Elite Amphibious Airplane is the ultimate in flying fun! With its Rotax 914 turbocharged - 115 horsepower engine, the Searey Elite offers more power to fly through air or water. Test one for yourself; call for a demo flight today. Learn more about our aircraft here.
Searey Sport-Light Sport Airplane
The Factory-Built, FAA Certified, Searey Sport Amphibious Airplane, offers a Rotax 912 - 100 horsepower engine, portable Garmin GPS, and an optional cowling. This airplane is fun to fly and easy to handle, whether on land, water, or in the air. Learn more about our aircraft here.
Searey LSX Kit
With over 600 Searey Kits delivered, Progressive Aerodyne is the leader in Light Sport Amphibious Aircraft. Owning and building a Searey Kit Airplane can be both challenging and rewarding. From the minute the box is opened until the very first taxi out, building a Searey Kit gives builders an experience they are not soon to forget. Learn more about the Searey Kit Airplane here.